From: jacko mafia Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:00 PM To: Linus Gitahi Cc: Wangethi Mwangi ; Joseph Odindo; Helen Mbugua;;;; NTV News; NyeriEditorial;eldoretstaff; Msa Editorial; Kisumu Advertising;Nakuru AdvertisingSubject: Re: The lid is off Dear Mr Gitahi. This is a letter from the staff of the EditorialDepartment and it ' s a follow up to another letter wesent you in December highlighting teething problemsfacing our department. We are pleased to inform you that we are pleased withthe steps you have taken so far to address theproblems in the Editorial Department and in the largerNMG. From our own observation of the manner you havegone about your business, we now know we have a CEOwho has the interest of the NMG and its staff atheart.In our December letter, we have told you that we wouldwait until end of January to see if there were goingto be any meaningful changes and reforms carried outby your administration. We have reliably been informedthat a radical surgery is in the offing and yourdreams are to see the right staff on the NMG bus. Weare committed to support all your resolve to offloadthe excess and unproductive passengers from the NMGbus.We, too, don ' t want joy riders and blood suckers wholive on other people ' s sweat. We would prefer leanerand a productive staff who are rewarded according totheir performance.However, we are disturbed that, whereas you mean wellfor the Editorial Department, you have taken the wrongpath in picking the team of managers to select thestaff to be offloaded from the NMG bus. We understandthe editorial team comprise of the Editorial Director,Mr Wangethi Mwangi , the Group Managing Editor, MrJoseph Odindo, and the Group HR Director, Ms HellenMbugua.The three managers, and to a large extent Mr Mwangiand Mr Odindo, are the source of the problemsbedeviling the Editorial Department and we gave youthe reasons in our December letter. Since weunderstand the exercise for identifying the staff tobe offloaded, transferred and promoted is complete, wedecided to bring our heads together and decide the wayforward. Journalists from Nairobi and representativesfrom all the bureaus held a meeting at a venue anddate we will not disclose and came up with a resolveto write to you again and communicate what wasdeliberated. Mr Wangethi and Mr Odindo should be nowhere near anymeeting where any reforms and changes in the EditorialDept are being carried out. The two should have beenthe first casualty of your Administration ' s reforms.Just like President Kibaki put his foot in the mouthby retaining Kanu ' s civil servants intact, webelieve you have squandered a good opportunity toclean up the mess in the Editorial Dept by appointingthe Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo to spearhead the reforms. We demand that the exercise of laying off unproductivestaff must be transparent and target thenon-performers. Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo may use theexercise to get rid of good staffers they don ' tlike. In our December letter, we listed the joy-ridersand the multiple posts which were purposely created byMr Mwangi and Mr Odindo to reward their friends andgirlfriends. We demand that the posts be abolished andall the busy body bosses be the first to be shown thedoor. Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo filled the newsroom withtheir girlfriends and friends poached from other mediahouses, yet they are unproductive and can hardly writeany literate story. These too must be offloaded fromthe NMG bus. We want to know why none of the women whohave extended sexual favours to both Mr Mwangi and MrOdindo have been spared the axe. Adhiambo Odera, whowas employed directly to the position of the Editorafter a sexual encounter in Malindi with Mr Mwangi isone of those women who have been spared yet her workis good mastery of illiteracy. She can ' t write oredit any story. Editing of Buzz magazine is done bycorrespondents. But she can ' t be touched becauseboth Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo share her as lovers andthey fear she can expose them. It ' s the same casefor many other women. Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo, yourwives will be hearing from us very soon. We had informed you and listed sections which areheaded by managers who are non-university graduates.Examples are the News Desk, where we have foureditors, and only one is a graduate. The Form Sixgraduates were put there deliberately by Mr Wangethifor his own selfish reasons so that they can dance tohis tune. We can ' t have reporters who haveuniversity degrees and masters reporting to Form Sixmanagers! They too must leave or be demoted and giventheir rightful places like the copy-taking desk. The House that his Highness the Aga Khan built hasbeen into a brothel by top managers. Mr Wangethi, MrOdindo and Mr Nabutolla have one thing in common –they take the golden cup for their ability ofquenching their sexual lust using NMG femaleemployees. The prime factor and criteria forpromotions and hiring of female reporters and editorshas been their sexual performance. This is somethingthe Aga Khan and the entire world have never known.This is something we are going to expose and bring itto the attention of the Aga Khan and the world. In ourDecember letter, we listed just a fraction of thefemale staff who have been rewarded with plum jobs andpromotions after satisfying the sexual lust of MrMwangi and Mr Odindo. How then can the same sexperverts be the ones spearheading the laying off ofunwanted staff? We hope you had time to make your ownindependent investigations to verify the insight wegave you on the string of women who have been promotedor hired by the two managers based on their sexualperformance. Finally, we give both Mr Wangethi and Mr Odindo up toend of February to resign from NMG or we smoke themout. We have laid a water-tight strategy to do so. Wehave various options to do so if you don ' t forcethem to resign or their conscience doesn ' t drivethem to doing so.Among the strategies we have are exposing the shame ofNMG being a brothel in all parts of Kenya, Nairobibeing the main focus, presenting the spouses of MrWangethi and Mr Odindo and the women they have beensleeping with with evidence, and writing to the AgaKhan and informing how his House has been turned intoa brothel by the managers he has employed to managehis affairs. We have the contacts of all their spousesand they will hear from us very soon. We will alsocirculate pamphlets on the streets detailing whosleeps with who in NMG. Other strategies remain oursecret and it ' s up to you to decide if you want thevibrant company you inherited from Mr Kiboro to sinkunder your watch. Things will start rolling very fastfrom March 1 if our demands are not met. But we willsupport you if we are satisfied with the reforms andthe departure of Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo.Ms Hellen Mbugua, we also have a dose for you. Yourhusband will also be hearing from us on your sexescapades with KBC MD. We have water-tight dossier onyou.We can ' t sit back and allow immorality to continuethriving in NMG. NMG will explode and the rot whichhas been perpetuated by top managers will soon be inpublic domain. We can ' t be exposing the likes ofBishop Margaret Wanjiru and Sam uel Gichuru yet wehave managers and other staff who are worse rotten. Weare putting on notice Mr Mwangi , Mr Odindo and theother managers who have found it difficult to keeptheir zips tightly shut that sex scandals and the sextree of who sleeps with who in Editorial and otherdepartments will be public knowledge soon. They shouldstart preparing their spouses psychologically. Watchthis space!NMG prides itself as a successful company, a marketleader and a mirror of the society. We must set theexample by actions and deeds. Managers can ' t preachwater and drink wine. The hour of reckoning has come.The lid has been blown off internally and soon theworld will be reading about the brothel that is NationCentre.We wish you luck! Cc Wangethi Mwangi Joseph Odindo Hellen Mbugua All NMG staffContinuation below;Dear Mr Linus Gitahi,CEO Nation Media GroupNairobi, Kenya On January 23, 2007, the staff of the Editorial Deptwrote an open letter to you detailing the rot and sexscandals that have rocked the house His Highness theAga Khan built. We are sure the Nation Media Groupleadership has never revealed to the Aga Khan thetruth that the house he built from holy funds has beenturned into a brothel by the very same senior managershe has entrusted with running his affairs. All is notwell at the leading Media House in East and CentralAfrican region but you have shown you are leastbothered. The information we have is that when you, Mr WangethiMwangi and the other top brass visited the Aga Khan inParis between February 5 and 7, you only presented thegood side about the NMG leadership and deliberatelyomitted the rot that has been choking the majority ofinnocent and clean staff. That is understandable. TheNMG leadership has a reputation of covering eachothers backs, even when a few apples in their midstare stinking. The Aga Khan and the entire world willsoon be hearing from us. Instead of addressing the problems we raised in theStaff Climate Survey forms that were submitted to theHR Dept in October and the views we gave during a teambuilding retreat in Loitokitok,a couple of years back,you have decided to organize yet another retreat. Whatwe said in Loitokitok, in other forums and in thevarious letters we have sent you has never beenaddressed and nothing has ever changed. This shows thecontempt you hold the Editorial Dept, which is thepillar of this media giant. We have various options atour disposal to see who surrenders first. No one willbe spared, even yourself if we find anything of yourdark past. Nothing can bribe us. We will continuerocking the boat even after we come back from theretreat. We will go to the retreat you have organized as aritual to satisfy your own curiosity, not because wehave any faith in the retreat or your leadership. Yousquandered a very good opportunity to clean up themess when you sanctioned the retrenchment of smallfish who had done nothing wrong and left the networksof corruption and immorality intact. In our earlier letter to you, we demanded theimmediate resignation of the Group Editorial Director,Mr Wangethi Mwangi, and the Group Managing Editor, MrJoseph Odindo, for bringing to shame the journalismprofession by being involved in a string of sexscandals and being solely responsible for the mess inthe Editorial Department by trashing the laid downpolicies on employment and promotions to quench theirsexual appetite and reward their friends and cronies. It's a well known fact even outside NMG that Mr Mwangiand Mr Odindo have been using helpless and innocentfemale staff as sex pawns to achieve personal andnarrow objectives. Although a majority of the femalestaff are upright, but there is ample evidence thatsome have been given jobs, promotions and salaryincrements based on their sexual performance. NMGrules on promotions and employment have largely beenignored by the two senior editors and they have beenrewarding their friends and women they have taken tobed based on sexual performance. This culture has beengoing on for years and we expected you would bring itto an abrupt end and clean up the mess. Sadly, youtotally disappointed us and killed our spirits. However, as you categorically stated during a staffmeeting with the entire editorial on February 1, 2007,you are least bothered by rot in Nation Centre and itnot your desire to put things right. In your address,you expressed confidence in the rotten managers and wecan only conclude that you endorsed their crookedways. You simply gave them a clean bill of health. In our letter, we given both Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindoup to end of February to search their conscience andresign. However, there are strong indications thattheir conscience doesn't prick them. We will prick itfor them. You have seen nothing yet. The chickens arecoming home to roost from March 1. Tighten your nervesand wait. We will systematically slay them one afterthe other with hard facts and the absolute truth. Aswe said, the choice is purely theirs. They choose totake an early bus home and save themselves and theirfamilies stinging humiliation or cling to theiroffices and walk around town smelling like raw sewage. You must have your own reasons why you want to defendthe rotten managers. And we have our own reasons forexposing them. Contrary to the suggestions that weremade by yourself and other speakers during theFebruary 1 meeting that those who have been exposingthe rot in NMG have the desire to rock the boat, theclaims are further from the truth. There is a cleardistinction between a company and an individual'spersonal conduct and affairs. It nonsensical to insinuate or imagine that the NMGboat would sink just because the sex predators havebeen exposed. It's purely a personal decision forthose managers who have been walking around NationCentre with their zips open. The managers and theirgirlfriends must carry their own crosses and not dragthe rest of us in their immoral ways. NMG's great namewill never sink because of the people who have turnedNation Centre into a brothel. We were shocked that instead of taking the platform onFebruary 1 to congratulate the brave men and women whowants good morals to be restored at Nation Centre, youdecided to demonise them. Your hard stance and the newlifeline you gave the sex predators will be yourundoing. You have given us new resolve to go the extramile of bringing to shame the managers who can't keeptheir zips shut. In the same way Nation has beentaking pride in splashing stories on Mr John Githongoexposing the mega corruption in Kibaki's backyard andthe horrifying sex life of the flamboyant BishopWanjiru, NMG managers who have a dark history shouldstart dreading March 1. What moral authority does NMGhas to expose the evils in society if it can't cleanup its own mess or remove a log in its own eyes? Our research and analysis team has completed itsinvestigation and they have pieced together adetailed, accurate and comprehensive dossier on thesex scandals at NMG. The dossier will be madeavailable in the internet, the streets of Nairobi andother major towns, to the wives and children of thesex pests, the diplomatic community, religiousorganizations and all NMG staff. The dossier contains shocking revelations on the sexlives of senior NMG managers. We have photographicevidence, confession statements and affidavits fromsome of the women who have been lured to bed by themanagers and others from the men who had to breakrelationships with their spouses or fiancés afteruncovering secret love affairs involving NMG managers,court documents on some of the managers who have foundthemselves in court to defend themselves on damagingsex scandals, emails and mobile telephone computerprint-outs. We promise you it will be a must read.Continue watching this space. At the moment, our research team has pieced together adetailed report on the sex lives of four seniormanagers and it will start rolling off our mill fromMarch 1. We will give you the snap shots of what toexpect. Ms Helen MbuguaGroup Human Resources DirectorFind out: • How a love affair blossomed between MrsMbugua and Mr David Waweru before he moved from NationCentre to KBC. • How Mrs Mbugua sneaks her lover to hermatrimonial home in Kilimani when her husband is outof the country and the children are away. • Why the love affair wont end and why MrMbugua needs to worry. • Do we have photos of the two love-birds? Findout from us from March 1. It's a secret romance thatwill leave you on edge. This information will land in your house in Kilimani. Mr Cyrille NabutolaGroup Marketing Director Find out: • Why Mr Nabutola is referred to as the Bull ofNation Centre• How many sales executives he has had affairswith and how many are proud mothers of his children.• His romantic adventures in the office• Why NMG leadership can't dare touch himdespite being aware of his love escapades. This information will land in your house in Runda. Mr Wangethi MwangiGroup Editorial DirectorFind out: • His love affairs with Irene Karanja (hisformer secretary), Veronica Kinyanjui (former FeaturesEditor), Linda Gacheru (a junior staff who rosethrough the ranks rapidly and ended up in a plum jobthe HR Dept), Wahu (formerly of Advertising Dept),Njeri Mwangi (formerly a reporter of Editorial Dept),Adhiambo Odera (Buzz Editor) and Claire Gatheru (areporter who was axed in the recent retrenchment).• Why Irene's husband who was a lawyercommitted suicide in an Eldoret hotel.• How the police treated the death and shockingletters that our research team has uncovered that ledto Irene's husband committing suicide.• How did he discover the secret love affairbetween Mr Mwangi and how he desperately tried to stopthe affair in vain.• What Irene's husband said before he decidedto kill himself. Would he be alive today were it notfor Mr Mwangi?• How a love affair blossomed between Mr Mwangiand Linda. Why did her fiancé abruptly cancel hiswedding with Linda? Why did Mr Mwangi jump out throughthe window of her Buru Buru House at night? What roledid Mr Mwangi play in the break up? • How Mr Mwangi continued with the affair withLinda even after she found a new love, who ended upmarrying her. • Why Linda's husband had jitters on thewedding day. Why was he jittery? Why did Mr Mwangitactfully swap his green Mercedes Benz with KenOluoch's on the eve of the wedding for transportingthe bride?• Why Mr Mwangi spirited Linda out of NMG andsecured her a job elsewhere. Why did Linda abruptlychange jobs?• What Njeri Mwangi said in her affidavit on MrMwangi's sexual advancement?• What happened to the sexual harassment caseNjeri Mwangi filed in the High Court against MrMwangi.• Why has Njeri Mwangi returned to Kenya fromthe US . What's the new weapon she has against MrMwangi. Why did Mr Mwangi go into a hysterical panicwhen he learnt Ms Mwangi was back in the country.• The full details of the love triangleinvolving Mr Mwangi, Mr Odindo Adhiambo Odera. Who arethe other lovers of Ms Odera in the newsroom? Do thetwo top editors share her with junior reporters behindtheir backs? • Why does Ms Odera prefer to use two thick CDswhen she sleeps with her bosses?• Why did Ms Odera opt to seduce bosses? Howdid Macharia Gaitho escape Ms Odera's trap? Did MutumaMathiu fina lly fall into the trap?• Why Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo influenced theemployment of Ms Odera knowing too well that she hadbeen to a back-street college and she can't write oredit a story. Why did she rise from a merecorrespondent straight to an editor without being areporter after a romantic expedition with Mr Mwangi inMalindi? DESPITE WANGETHI'S DENIALS, WE HAVE COPIES OF THERECEIPTS HE AND ADHIAMBO USED AND THE TEXT MESSAGESSHE SENT HER FRIENDS INFORMING THEM THAT SHE WAS INMALINDI BEING SCREWED BY NONE OTHER THAN WANGETHI. Andwhat about the digital camera she used to walk aroundthe newsroom boasting she had been given by Wangethiduring the Malindi outing. • Why were Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo in adesperate situation when Mr Kiboro put his foot downthat Ms Odera was not qualified for the job? What didthey do to prevail upon Mr Kiboro to change his mind? Read much more about the Wangethi Mwangi you havenever known from March 1. This information will landin your house in Kileleshwa. Mr Joseph OdindoGroup Managing EditorFind out: • His secret love affairs with Adhiambo Odera,Ms Lucy Oriang (whom he has been instrumental ingiving her plum jobs when a new list of promotions isout), Ms Rhoda Orengo, and a string of other women.• The secret affair between him and MildredNgesa and why he influenced her switch from theStandard to NMG. This information will land in your house in Lavington. FOR THE RECORDED TAPES OF ADHIAMBO'S LOVE AFFAIRS WITHWANGETHI, ODINDO, HOW SHE TRAPPED ANY NEW MANAGINGEDITORS OF THE SUNDAY NATION, MAKE A DATE WITH US FROMMARCH 1. GET A FIRSTHAND RECORDED CONVERSATIONSBETWEEN WANGETHI AND THE OTHER NMG MEN WHO HAVE EVERSCREWED HER. IT'S THE HOTTEST SEX SCANDAL YOU WILLNEVER WANT TO MISS. GITHONGO'S TAPES ARE CHILD'S PLAY. The mess and stench in the Editorial Dept is acreation of Mr Mwangi and Mr Odindo. Are these thepeople His Highness the Aga Khan has entrusted withthe affairs of his great company? Are these the rolemodels our own children? Are they fit to be the mirrorof our society? What moral authority do they have topoint out ills in the society? NMG prides itself as the leading media house in Eastand Central African region but its reputation is nowat stake because of a small group of the ruling elite.We promise you that the dossier will shake the NMGright in its core and the world will for the firsttime know the dark and hallowing secrets that NationCentre conceals. It's the responsibility of themajority of the staff who mean well for the future ofNMG to preserve the integrity of this great companyand the journalism profession. Before the Feb 28 deadline approached, we would liketo urge you, Mr Gitahi, to convene another meeting ofthe entire editorial staff, like the one which washeld on 3rd floor on February 1, 2007, so that MrMwangi, Mr Odindo, Mr Nabutola, Mrs Mbugua and a fewother sex pests we are currently digging their darkhistory can take the Holy Bible and swear they are notguilty of the issues we have raised above. During theFebruary 1 meeting, the entire floor burst intolaughter when Mr Mwangi broke down when he wasnarrating how his wife had confronted him with aCitizen newspaper which carried a story on his sexlife. Nobody sympathized with him because everybody on3rd floor knows the truth. Redundant postsMr Mwangi and Mr Odindo are responsible for creatingso many posts which duplicate roles to reward theirfriends and girlfriends. In our previous letters, wehave listed the posts that need to be merged orscrapped but this has fallen on deaf ears. We have awhole battalion of people walking around the newsroomcarrying titles of editors and they have nothing toshow for it. A big chunk of the budget for theEditorial Dept goes to paying heft salaries for theidle editors. It's immoral to pay one idle editorSh400,000 each month and pay a reporter who toils likeslave Sh60,000. All the top editors and managers earnsalaries of between Sh500,000 and Sh1million plus eachmonth. For instance, where is the wisdom of having the postsof Editorial Director and Group Managing Editor? Andwhat about the numerous posts of Managing Editors? Andyet still, the countless posts of editors? No wonderMr Mwangi has a lot of time to lift skirts, play golfduring morning working hours and entertain his friendsin beer sessions in his office in the afternoon. AndMr Odindo is often falling asleep in his office in theafternoon due to boredom. And this happens whenmajority of hardworking journalists are toiling sohard to generate the hefty salaries and perks for thebored and idle editors. It was also shocking to hearyou and the other managers making a mockery about ourdegrees. Where else doe we have Form Six editors inthe newsroom apart from NMG? How can correspondentsand reporters who are university graduates, some withfirst degrees and others with Masters degrees,continue reporting to Form Six drop outs? It's thepolicy of NMG that reporters and correspondents shouldhave a minimum qualification of a university degree.Why is the rule an exception to some of the editors? Mr Gitahi, you have no option but to respect ouracademic qualifications. Form Six and Form Foureditors must leave our newsroom if you want peace. UnionIt was ridiculous to hear managers on February 1denying they had not played any role in killing thejournalists union. There is no doubt that NMGleadership played a big role in the death of the unionand this started when new journalists were denied achance to join KUJ. This weakened the union sincemembers who leave are not replaced. Salaries for ourmembers have not been reviewed for the past threeyears. Yet, the management staff gets heft pay riseevery January. We demand the immediate review of oursalaries. Flimsy excuses wont wash. CorrespondentsAbout 75 percent of the content published in all NMGpublications is the work of correspondents, casualworkers who are paid peanuts for the sweat of theirlabour. Though NMG prides itself as the champion ofhuman rights and publishes stories on how othercompanies oppress their employees, the oppositehappens in NMG. Correspondents are today's modernslaves. Although they toil so hard, they end up beingpaid peanuts and most of them live in abject povertyand die in misery. This lot is paid by the length ofthe stories they write. But the mode of calculation istop secret by the NMG leadership to ensure a hugechunk is taken away from the poor correspondents totake care of the hefty salaries of their bosses. Thatis one way the Editorial bosses manage to live withinthe department's budget. We demand better pay. Mostcorrespondents remain unemployed during their entirecareers. It’s a miracle for the correspondents,especially those in the rural areas to earn Sh5,000 amonth. Isn’t it immoral for editors and a group ofwell connected staff to go smiling all bank and thepoor and voiceless correspondents can't have a decentliving We demand a complete overhaul of the entire EditorialDept. Idle bosses and all those tainted withcorruption must be sent packing. We need a transparentcriteria of employment, promotions and sharing oftraining opportunities. There will never be any peacein Nation Centre until these demands are met. We aretired ऑफ़ selling our blood for peanuts. Moto umewaka. Let's have a date with each one ऑफ़ you on March 1. Thewhole truth about the rot and decay in Nation Centrewill be on display for the whole world to read andsee.LILA NA FILA HAVITANGAMANI
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