Michael Mundia Kamau P.O. Box 58972 00200 City Square Nairobi Kenya Saturday, 14th April 2007I introduce myself as a former employee of BarclaysBank of Kenya, who was last year dismissed fromemployment on scandalous and corrupt grounds. I wasdismissed from service on Tuesday, 21st February 2006.A prelude of the scandalous episode accompanies thise-mail, by way of letters by me dated 21st February2006, 20th February 2006, 14th February 2006, 13thFebruary 2006, 26th January 2006, 5th January 2006 and28th December 2005.You will note a deliberate and manipulative attempt toconceal corrupt, underhand and shadowy dealings at theKenya office of Barclays Advisory and RegistrarServices, a subsidiary of Barclays PLC of the UnitedKingdom and ABSA Africa of South Africa.All efforts over the years to raise concerns with themanagement of Barclays Advisory and Registrar ServicesLimited, Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited and BarclaysBank PLC of the United Kingdom, have gone unheeded,and ultimately resulted in my dismissal on 21stFebruary 2006.I trust that you will first want to study the advancematerial below, before deciding on how to proceed.Yours faithfully,Michael Mundia KamauEncls.--- Mundia Kamau wrote: Michael Mundia Kamau P.O. Box 58972 00200 City Square Nairobi Kenya 21st February 2006Joseph Muremwa Head of IT and OperationsBarclays Bank of Kenya LimitedMoi Avenue, Bank House, 7th floorP.O. Box 3012000100 GPONairobiKenyaDear SirRE: PRIVATE SECTOR ANGLO LEASING TYPE SCANDAL AT BARCLAYS KENYAThis morning, Tuesday, 21st February 2006, Mr. MarkMomanyi handed me my dismissal letter at 8.40 a.m.,for my role in the Jones Mutua Mule matter. You werenot even brave or courageous enough to discharge thiscrucial function, and cowardly delegated it to Mr.Momanyi.I have been hurriedly dismissed before crucialquestions to my letters below of 20th February 2006,14th February 2006, 13th February 2006, 26th January2006, 5th January 2006 and 28th December 2005, havebeen answered.I took an early opportunity to expose this and othertroubling related matters to the Barclays and ABSAOffices in the United Kingdom and South Africa, theCentral Staff Committee of Barclays Bank of KenyaLimited, the Banking, Insurance and Finance Union(BIFU), the Central Organisation of Trade Unions(COTU), the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry ofLabour, the Ministry of Justice, the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC), the Central Bank ofKenya, the Capital Markets Authority (CMA), theNairobi Stock Exchange (NSE), the ParliamentaryCommittees on Finance, Labour and Justice, severally,the Kenya Bankers Association (KBA), the Federation ofKenya Employers (FKE) and the Kenya Human RightsCommission, yet none of these organisations hasbothered respond, intervene or get involved.This is very troubling because almost all of theaforementioned organizations have copies of my lettersbelow of 20th February 2006, 14th February 2006, 13thFebruary 2006, 26th January 2006, 5th January 2006 and28th December 2005, and more, but no action has beentaken.My conclusion is that there is a grand conspiracy toconceal one of the most shameful private sectorfinancial and securities scandals in the history ofthis country, comparable only to the disgraceful AngloLeasing and Goldenburg scandals of the public sector.With specific reference to the Jones Mutua Mulematter, my dismissal has been effected before a hostof questions have been answered, and in particular,the five crucial ones below: (i) Why am I the only officer who has been purportedly investigated and dismissed with regard to the Jones Mutua Mule matter, yet the Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited shareholding was immobilised for sale by myself, and the Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited shareholding was immobilised for sale by a different officer at Barclays Advisory and Registrar Services Limited? I asked this question in my letter below of 13th February 2006, which please see, and have still not received a response.(ii) Why am I the only member of staff who has been under investigation in the above matter of Jones Mutua Mule, and ultimately been dismissed, when the documents were handled by at least five other members of staff at Barclays Advisory and Registrar Services Limited? I asked this question in my letter below of 14th February 2006, which please see, and have still not received a response.(iii) Are investigations into the thirteen other fraud cases mentioned in my letter below of 28th December 2005, which I am made to understand have grown to sixteen during the period of my suspension, being handled with the same comical pace of urgency as the Jones Mutua Mule case? I asked this question in my letter below of 14th February 2006, which please see, and have still not received a response.Related to this, I again specifically draw youattention to Page 17 of the "The Standard” ofThursday, 9th February 2006, which carries the storyof one of the mentioned frauds that have beenestablished during the period of my suspension anddismissal. The fraud is for East African BreweriesLimited shares worth US $ 994,754 and the story iscarried under the heading “KRA boss summoned”. (iv) Severalmembers of staff at Barclays Advisory and Registrar Services Limited have recorded statements with the Banking Fraud and Investigation Unit of the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), regarding their roles in the numerous frauds that have lately been unearthed at Barclays Advisory and Registrar Services Limited. I have not been made to record a single statement regarding the Jones Mutua Mule matter with the Banking Fraud and Investigation Unit of the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), clearly because the matter is not regarded as criminal, yet I have been on a 60 day suspension on half pay, purportedly in line with “clause A5 C) i) of the Collective Agreement covering Section Heads, Check Clerks, Clerical and subordinate staff” which is invoked in matters considered of a criminal nature, and neither have I not been charged or appeared in a Court of Law on a criminal charge. I have nevertheless been dismissed and no refund of my deducted salaries has been made to me(v) Despite earlier blowing the whistle seven and a half years ago by way of my reports of 9th July 1998 and 30th July 1998, and thereafter in the years 1999, 2000 and recently but not finally, in the year 2004 by way of my 19 extensive reports on the infamous and shameful Nicholas Colin Olivier Watney fraud case, no corrective action has ever been taken at Barclays Advisory and Registrar Services Limited. My dismissal must come as a relief because I am now finally out of the way.My only regret is that I did not expose thesehorrifying, scandalous and criminal affairs to thepublic earlier, no doubt, because I feared losing myjob. This is a burden of indecisiveness and betrayalto society that I will always have to bear.I will not insult myself by appealing your decision todismiss me empty handed after nine and a half years ofdedicated service. I will also not give credence andlegitimacy to the criminal activities of the Barclaysand ABSA Group worldwide by lodging an internal appealagainst my dismissal. I will fight for and seekredress externally in my capacity as a citizen of theRepublic of Kenya, however long it takes. If my timeon this Earth expires before the fight is concluded,then I will ensure that the fight is carried on bythose I leave behind.The coming weeks will be difficult for me, but I willnevertheless systematically reveal the Dens of Vice,Deceipt, Corruption, Thuggery, Contempt, Robbery,Hypocrisy and Theft that the Barclays/ABSA Groupsworldwide, actually are. In the coming weeks, I willsystematically reveal how the Barclays/ABSA Groupsworldwide, in conjunction with a larger and widernetwork, attempted to criminally and shamefullyconceal a Kenyan private sector Anglo Leasing typescam.Should I be harmed or killed, I have ensured thatBarclays Bank of Kenya Limited and the Barclays/ABSAGroups worldwide, are held responsible.Yours faithfully,Michael Mundia KamauEncls.--- Mundia Kamau wrote: Michael Mundia Kamau P.O. Box 58972 00200 City Square Nairobi Kenya 20th February 2006Margaret Atandi HR Administrator, ER Human Resources DivisionBarclays Bank of Kenya LimitedP.O. Box 3012000100 GPONairobiKenyaDear MadamRE: UNABATED CRIMES AT BARCLAYS KENYAI refer to my letters below of 14th February 2006,13th February 2006, 26th January 2006, 5th January2006 and 28th December 2005, and regret that I havenot as yet received responses.This horrendous, shameful and monumental scandal hasalready caused me more than enough grief, anguish,anxiety, torment, agony and inconvenience, and wouldwish to be given the final decision.My illegal extended 60 day suspension on half pay, isdue to expire on Saturday, 25th February 2006, andwill therefore assume that I will get a response onMonday, 27th February 2006 at 8.05 a.m., because noone whosoever is bothering to communicate with me. Ifurther add that I do not wish to be unnecessarilykept waiting for one hour and 48 minutes, as was thecase on 26th January 2006, and would therefore wish tobe directed on where to go on Monday, 27th February2006, and at what time.The cowardice and incompetence of the entiremanagement of Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited andBarclays Advisory and Registrar Services Limited,deeply amazes me.Yours faithfullyMichael Mundia KamauEncls.--- Mundia Kamau wrote: Michael Mundia Kamau P.O. Box 58972 00200 City Square Nairobi Kenya 14th February 2006Margaret Atandi HR Administrator, ER Human Resources DivisionBarclays Bank of Kenya LimitedP.O. Box 3012000100 GPONairobiKenyaDear MadamRE: CORPORATE FRAUD COVER UP AT BARCLAYS KENYAFurther to your frantic, desperate and rude phone callto me on my cell phone on Monday, 13th February 2006at 09:25 Hrs. GMT, I respond as follows: I submitted corrections of minutes of DisciplinaryHearing of 3rd February 2006, at your Barclays Plaza,Mezzanine 6 Office at 04:49 Hrs. GMT on Mondaymorning, 13th February 2006. There was no responsewhatsoever from you between 04:49 Hrs. GMT and 08.11Hrs. GMT, a period of 3 hours and 22 minutes. At thesaid 08.11 Hrs. GMT, I sent you my e-mail below ofMonday, 13th February 2006. No sooner had I sent youand others my said e-mail below of 13th February 2006,you as mentioned above, made a frantic call to me onmy cell phone at 09:25 Hrs. GMT. You told me that all25 corrections of Disciplinary Hearing of 3rd February2006 had been made, and I was needed with immediateeffect at Barclays Plaza, Mezzanine 6, to sign themoff.It therefore means that it took only one hour and 14minutes to verify and validate all 25 corrections, andensure that I was not trying to doctor the minutes,because 25 corrections to a brief document like thatis big. Secondly, it took only one hour and 14 minutesto get in touch with all the panelists of theDisciplinary Hearing of 3rd February 2006, to enablethem confirm that the 25 corrections were a truereflection. Finally, it took only one hour and 14minutes to do a cross check with the investigatingofficers to ensure consistency in my statements andsubmissions.I am further forced to compare the above withinvestigations into the purported Nicholas ColinOlivier Watney fraud case investigation, which wereconcluded as below:1. Disciplinary Hearing conducted on 2nd December 20042. Was sent minutes of Disciplinary Hearing, one week later on 9th December 20043. Submitted corrections of minutes of Disciplinary Hearing on 13th December 20044. Was sent the corrected draft of minutes of Disciplinary Hearing of 2nd December 2004 on 2nd February 2005, after one month and 20 days, and not after one hour and 14 minutes5. Signed and submitted corrected draft of minutes of Disciplinary Hearing of 2nd December 2004 on 4th February 2005.6. Received verdict of purported investigation on 5th April 2005, after 2 months.This is the 5th time I am being forced to guide you onhow to properly, correctly and legally do your job.Despite the fact that corrections of minutes ofDisciplinary Hearing of 3rd February 2006 wereregularised in a record one hour and 14 minutes onMonday, 13th February 2006, you did not so much asbother to respond to my four letters below of 13thFebruary 2006, 26th January 2006, 5th January 2006 and28th December 2005, which not only point outviolations against the so called Barclays guidelines,but even more disturbingly, criminal violations of theLaws of the Republic of Kenya.Amongst several other things your Office has totallyrefused to respond to the following queries:(i) Why am I the only member of staff under investigation in the matter of the Jones Mutua Mule, when the documents were handled by at least five other members of staff at Barclays Advisory and Registrar Services Limited?(ii) Are investigations into the thirteen other fraud cases mentioned in my letter below of 28th December 2005, which I am made to understand have grown to sixteen during the period of my suspension, being handled with the same comical pace of urgency as the Jones Mutua Mule case?I specifically draw you attention to Page 17 of the“The Standard” of Thursday, 9th February 2006, whichcarries the story of one of the mentioned frauds thathave been established during the period I have been onsuspension. The fraud is for East African BreweriesLimited shares worth US $ 994,754 and the story iscarried under the heading “KRA boss summoned”. Itfurther pains me to think that I submitted reports on9th July 1998 and 30th July 1998 that cautionedagainst the strong possibility of such occurrences,but they both ignored contemptuously.I have cooperated with your purported investigationsto the extent that is permissible.I will not sign the purportedly rectified andcorrected draft of Disciplinary Hearing of 3rdFebruary 2006, because doing so will give credence andlegitimacy to a flawed and criminal process, that hasviolated both good practice and the Laws of theRepublic of Kenya.You are at liberty to take whatever action you choose,including dismissing me.Yours faithfully,Michael Mundia KamauEncls.--- Mundia Kamau wrote: Michael Mundia Kamau P.O. Box 58972 00200 City Square Nairobi Kenya 13th February 2006Margaret Atandi HR Administrator, ER Human Resources DivisionBarclays Bank of Kenya LimitedP.O. Box 3012000100 GPONairobiKenyaDear MadamI have this morning, Monday, 13th February 2006,submitted corrections of minutes of DisciplinaryHearing of 3rd February 2006, at your Barclays Plaza,M6 office. There are 25 corrections in total.I am however particularly concerned that the figure ofpossible loss is indicated as US $ 7,244, when infactmy role is limited toimmobilisation of only the Barclays Bank of KenyaLimited shareholding. The Standard Chartered Bank ofKenya Limited shareholding was verified forimmobilisation by a different officer at BarclaysAdvisory and Registrar Services Limited, and notmyself. I find it strange that your so called thoroughinvestigations have not established this basic factdespite my 60 day suspension on half pay. Thisconfirms my earlier assertion of victimisation andpersecution.This is the 4th time that I am being made to point outoutrageously petulant, juvenile, elementary andcomical omissions and violations. These omissions andviolations are deliberate and geared towards my speedydismissal, because neither your Office nor anyoneelse, has bothered to respond. You people want me sobadly that you are prepared to go to any lengths. Youwill have your day.I further regret that Mr. Charles Kiarie was part ofthe panel on 3rd February 2006, yet the 30th Januray2006 notification had clearly stated that the panelwould consist of Mr. Elly Odhong and Mr. Paul Russo.When I enquired from Mr. Paul Russo and Mr. EllyOdhong about this, they both brushed it aside bystating, “Ahhh! It’s OK”. Had I come with my lawyer tothe Disciplinary Hearing, which I would have loved to,would he have been admitted on the strength of anassertion of “Ahhh! It’s OK”?Finally, I regret that I have not received responsesfrom either Mr. Abdi Mohamed or Ms. CarolineArmstrong, to my letters below of 26th January 2006,5th January 2006 and 28th December 2005.Yours faithfully,Michael Mundia KamauEncls.--- Mundia Kamau wrote: Michael Mundia Kamau P.O. Box 58972 00200 City Square Nairobi 26th January 2006Caroline ArmstrongAg. Head of OperationsBarclays Bank of Kenya LimitedOperations & IT – KenyaBank House 7th floorP.O. Box 3012000100 NairobiDear MadamRE: SUSPENSION EXTENSIONI refer to your letter dated 26th January 2006, inwhich you notify me that my suspension from duty hasbeen extended by a further 30 days, effective 26thJanuary 2006. Your said letter partly states that“clause A5 (C) (i) of the Collective BargainingAgreement, supercedes the Barclays Guidelines”.This no doubt is in response to my letter below of28th December 2005, and attempts to explain andjustify the reason I received half-pay in January2006, and probably why I will receive half-pay inFebruary 2006.I draw your attention to the last time that I wasforcibly and unjustifiably sent on suspension i.e.29th November 2004 to 4th April 2005, a period of 4months and 6 days, a period which in itself violatesthe terms of clause A5 (C) (i) of the CollectiveBargaining Agreement, and ask why it is that Ireceived full pay on that occasion in line withBarclays Guidelines, and why it is that I am now beingmade to receive half-pay, purportedly in line withclause A5 (C) (i) of the Collective BargainingAgreement.I further state that you and your colleagues aremaking no effort to conceal your intended manipulationof the entire matter. I arrived at 8.05 a.m. on 26thJanuary 2006 as required, and was kept waitingunnecessarily until 9.53 a.m., a period of one hour 48minutes as frantic and desperate consultations andphone calls were made. No effort was made to update meon progress with the purported investigation, if any,and why a further 30 day extension had been deemednecessary. These are clearly tactics to buy time. Mr.Albert Majiwa was not even sure whether i was meant toreport on 26th January 2006 or 27th January 2006.Barclays Advisory and Registrar Services Limited waseven less informed, which clearly indicates that i amforcibly being kept away from work for reasons otherthan a puported investigation. I was then hurriedlyissued with another suspension letter, which onlypartly conformed with requirements of the same, andwhich must certainly have been prompted by my strongobjections below of 28th December 2005, regardingissuance of my first sham suspension letter of 27thDecember 2005Your early response to these and other glaring andunanswered discrepancies below, will highly beappreciated.Yours faithfullyMichael Mundia Kamau--- Mundia Kamau wrote: Michael Mundia Kamau P.O Box 58972 00200 City Square Nairobi Kenya 5th January 2006Abdi MohamedHead of OperationsDear Mr. MohamedI refer to my communication below of 28th December2005, and regret your refusal to respond.Yours sincerelyMichael Mundia Kamau> --- Mundia Kamau wrote: Michael Mundia Kamau P.O. Box 58972 00200 City Square Nairobi Kenya 28th December 2005Abdi MohamedHead of OperationsDear Mr. MohamedRE: IRREGULAR SUSPENSIONFurther to your irregular and improper suspensionletter of 27th December 2005, I will be grateful toobtain clarification on the following two matters:The first sentence of the second last paragraph statesthat “During the period of suspension, you willreceive salary at half your basic pay”. I will begrateful to know under what clause this was invoked,because the “Discipline, appeals and problem solvingemployee guide”, clearly states that “For aninvestigation to be carried out thoroughly and fairlyit may be necessary in specific circumstances tosuspend you from work on FULL PAY(where legallypermitted). At the time of being suspended you will beinformed of the reason and this will be communicatedin writing THEREAFTER”. Please refer to page 4 of thesame, under the heading “What is suspension fromwork?”Secondly, your letter invokes “clause A5 C) i) of theCollective Agreement covering Section Heads, CheckClerks, Clerical and Subordinate staff for a period ofthirty (30) days”. I will be grateful to have a copyof the invoked clause, and will be also grateful toknow why it is in direct contradiction of the secondlast sentence of the previous paragraph. I furtherinvoke my rights as an employee, and demand to be toldunder what circumstances I have been suspended, underthe five provided for. The five provided for are,1. It is considered that the individual may hinder the investigation;2. It would be inappropriate for the individual to remain on the premises3. The allegations are believed to be so serious that they constitute gross misconduct that could result in summary dismissal;4. The individual may interfere with the Bank’s equipment or property; or5. The procedure was not followedI will be grateful with your early response toparagraphs 2 and 3.I further take this early opportunity to state thatyour purported suspension is unprocedural,unprofessional, unwarranted, humiliating, and designedto persecute and intimidate me. It is simply andplainly victimisation. It is on plain paper with noindication of it’s origin, other than your name, titleand signature, and neither is it copied to eitherBarclays Advisory and Registrar Services Limited, theHuman Resources Division of Barclays Bank of KenyaLimited, The Central Staff Committee of Barclays Bankof Kenya, or the Banking Insurance and Finance Union(BIFU), to give credence to your invocation of “clauseA5 C) i) of the Collective Agreement covering SectionHeads, Check Clerks, Clerical and Subordinate stafffor a period of thirty (30) days”, and to furthervalidate your claim that you have consultedexhaustively with the Human Resources Division ofBarclays Bank of Kenya. Given the magnitude of thematter, the omissions are deliberate and designed tohasten my dismissal from employment. These areextremely serious grievances which I will pursueinternally and externally, whether or not I amdismissed.I am also extremely perturbed with the speed with thedecision to suspend was reached. This matter underinvestigation came to light on Tuesday, 13th December2005, as far as I am aware. I was summoned to theOffice of the Head of Registrar Services on Wednesdayafternoon, 14th December 2005 and responded to queriesregarding the matter. On Thursday afternoon, 22ndDecember 2005, I was interviewed by an officer fromthe Barclays Africa Security and InvestigativeServices (BASIS). The interview and the statement Irecorded in his presence took about one hour. OnTuesday morning, 27th December 2005, the same officercame and gave me two plain pieces of paper on which Iappended 12 samples of my signature. I could notunderstand why, because I have not disputed partlyhandling the documents at any point. I was then givena staff/suspect form to complete, after which I wasreleased. No sooner had this happened, you arrived andsummoned me to the office of the Head of RegistrarServices, and handed me your sham suspension letter.There was no Union representative or Human ResourcesDivision representative to witness the same, and youquickly shut me down when I sought clarification. Ittherefore took slightly over 24 hours only to reachthis drastic decision. What is baffling is that there are thirteen othersimilar ongoing cases under investigation, which havenot been treated in the same manner at all. Theparties concerned have not been subjected to theunfair and humiliating treatment that I am beingsubjected to, neither have they been suspended. Of thethirteen, I played a role in frustrating two, whereasmy advise in approaching a further two wascontemptuously brushed aside, causing a known losswith at least one. May I also state that none of thethirteen cases involves the Nicholas Colin OliverWatney fraud case, because I am convinced that you andothers are under the belief that I have never moved onfrom that matter.My conclusion is that I am being persecuted andvictimised because of my previous clashes with theestablishment. It is clear that you and several othershave, and will never forgive me, and are doing littleto conceal it.I do not expect the slightest measure of fairness orobjectivity over the coming 6 weeks, and have preparedmyself for the worst. I will nevertheless co-operatefully with your sham investigations and appear beforeyour sham Disciplinary and Grievances Panel. I willface my fate with honour, and then lay bare theworkings of an organisation that professes to be worldclass, and professes to place employees at the centreof all it’s dealings. Do not get me wrong, I am fullyaware of the slow, painful, frustrating, laborious andinefficient workings of the Kenyan Judicial system. Should I be harmed or killed, I have ensured thatBarclays Bank of Kenya is held responsible.Yours sincerely,Michael Mundia Kamau


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